Join us


for our annual Egg Hunt!

Saturday March 30th from 10am-12pm CPC will be hosting our annual community egg hunt! Our egg hunt is always indoors as we hide the eggs in a room full of balloons, so rain or shine it’s egg hunting time!

We will have time slots of each of the following age groups to hunt: 2-4 year olds, Kindergarten, 1st-2nd Grade, and 3rd-5th grade! Please pre-register so we can know how many kids to expect (Registration will also be open day of)!

We will also have buddies, headphones, and a sensory friendly egg hunt room available. We want all kids to be able to experience the joy of hunting for eggs, so please let us know in your registration what accommodations your child may need in order to participate!

Please email WITH any questions you may have!

Pre-register by filling out 
the form below.